../testtags.php - dated: Dec 4 2024 12:35 pm
1 | <?php
2 | // converted tagslist.txt to .\tagslist.php for php tags
3 | // by gen-PHP-tagslist.pl - Version 1.00 - 07-Apr-2006
4 | // Author: Ken True - webmaster-weather.org
5 | // Edited: 20-Apr-2006 to trim unused tags
6 | // Version 1.01 - 25-Jan-2008 -- added Windy-rain to icon list
7 | // Version 1.02 - 24-Jun-2008 -- added variables to replace old trends-inc.html with trends-inc.php
8 | // Version 1.03 - 27-Oct-2008 -- added Snow and WU almanac variables
9 | // Version 1.04 - 03-Jun-2009 -- added moonrisedate/moonsetdate for wxastronomy.php
10 | // Version 1.05 - 11-Jul-2009 -- added tags for printable flyer, alternative dashboard, high/low/avg plugins
11 | // Thanks to Mike and Scott for their permission to add the above tags!
12 | // Version 1.06 - 12-Jul-2009 -- added tags for V4.0 of alternative dashboard
13 | // Version 1.07 - 23-Jul-2011 -- added support for multiple plugin scripts for WD - see comments for supported scripts
14 | // Version 1.08 - 04-Aug-2012 -- added support for monthly average tags
15 | /*
16 | 1.07 includes support for:
17 |
18 | WebsterWeather: http://www.websterweatherlive.com/wxScripts.php
19 | Alt-Dashboard 4.xx Script (Pre-Rainer's JavaScript) V4.30 18-FEB-2011
20 | Alt-Dashboard 5.xx Script V5.20 18-FEB-2011
21 | UpdatedAlt-Dashboard 6.xx Script V6.20 27-JUN-2011
22 | UpdatedMOBILE Dashboard 1.xx Script V1.30 15-JUL-2011
23 | High/Low/Averages Script Ver 3 Ajax-PHP Template Only V3.01 25-MAR-2011
24 |
25 | 642weather (MChallis) http://www.642weather.com/weather/scripts-printable-flyer.php
26 | Printable Flyer Add-on for WD/PHP/AJAX Website Template V1.12 06-Nov-2009
27 |
28 | Eastmasonville http://eastmasonvilleweather.com/downloads.php
29 | Station Records (wxrecords) V1.13 - 24-May-2011
30 |
31 | Relayweather http://www.relayweather.com/downloads.php
32 | Temperature and Rain Trending (wxglobalwarming) V1.0 20-Jan-2010
33 |
34 | end of 1.07 update description
35 | */
36 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 | // allow viewing of generated source
38 |
39 | if ( isset($_REQUEST['sce']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'view' ) {
40 | //--self downloader --
41 | $filenameReal = __FILE__;
42 | $download_size = filesize($filenameReal);
43 | header('Pragma: public');
44 | header('Cache-Control: private');
45 | header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
46 | header('Content-type: text/plain');
47 | header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
48 | header("Content-Length: $download_size");
49 | header('Connection: close');
50 |
51 | readfile($filenameReal);
52 | exit;
53 | }
54 | // Units
55 | // -----
56 | $uomtemp = 'F'; // = 'C', 'F', (or '°C', '°F', or '°C', '°F' )
57 | $uombaro = 'inHg'; // = 'inHg', 'hPa', 'kPa', 'mb'
58 | $uomwind = 'mph'; // = 'kts','mph','kmh','km/h','m/s','Bft'
59 | $uomrain = 'in'; // = 'mm', 'in'
60 | $datefmt = 'm/d/y'; // = 'd/m/y', 'm/d/y'
61 | $uomdistance = 'mi'; // = 'mi','km' (for windrun variables)
62 | //
63 | // General OR Non Weather Specific/SUN/MOON
64 | // ========================================
65 | $time = '12:35 PM'; // current time
66 | $date = '12/4/2024'; // current date
67 | $sunrise = '7:01 am'; // sun rise time (make sure you have the correct lat/lon
68 | // in view/sun moon)
69 | $time_minute = '35'; // Current minute
70 | $time_hour = '12'; // Current hour
71 | $date_day = '04'; // Current day
72 | $date_month = '12'; // Current month
73 | $date_year = '2024'; // Current year
74 | $monthname = 'December'; // Current month name
75 | $dayname = 'Wednesday'; // Current day name
76 | $sunset = '4:25 pm'; // sunset time
77 | $moonrisedate = '12/04/24'; // moon rise date
78 | $moonrise = '10:20 am'; // moon rise time
79 | $moonsetdate = '12/03/24'; // moon set date
80 | $moonset = '6:11 pm'; // moon set time
81 | $moonage = 'Moon age: 3 days,8 hours,42 minutes,12%'; // current age of the moon (days since new moon)
82 | $moonphase = '12%'; // Moon phase %
83 | $moonphasename = 'Waxing Crescent Moon'; // 10.36z addition
84 | $marchequinox = '03:07 UTC March 20 2024'; // March equinox date
85 | $junesolstice = '20:52 UTC June 20 2024'; // June solstice date
86 | $sepequinox = '12:44 UTC September 22 2024'; // September equinox date
87 | $decsolstice = '09:21 UTC December 21 2024'; // December solstice date
88 | $moonperihel = '11:56 UTC January 3 2025'; // Next Moon perihel date
89 | $moonaphel = '03:03 UTC July 5 2025'; // Next moon perihel date
90 | $moonperigee = '13:17 UTC December 12 2024'; // Next moon perigee date
91 | $moonapogee = '07:26 UTC December 24 2024'; // Next moon apogee date
92 | $newmoon = '06:22 UTC December 1 2024'; // Date/time of the next/last new moon
93 | $nextnewmoon = '22:27 UTC December 30 2024'; // Date/time of the next new moon for next month
94 | $firstquarter = '15:27 UTC December 8 2024'; // Date/time of the next/last first quarter moon
95 | $lastquarter = '22:19 UTC December 22 2024'; // Date/time of the next/last last quarter moon
96 | $fullmoon = '09:02 UTC December 15 2024'; // Date/time of the next/last full moon
97 | $fullmoondate = 'December 15 2024'; // Date of the next/last full moon (date only)
98 | $suneclipse = 'March 29 2025 05:14:27 81%'; // Next sun eclipse
99 | $mooneclipse = 'March 14 2025 01:59:27 118%'; // Next moon eclipse date
100 | $easterdate = '31 March 2024'; // Next easter date
101 | $chinesenewyear = '9 February 2024 ()'; // Chinese new year
102 | $hoursofpossibledaylight = '09:24'; // Total hours/minutes of possible daylight for today
103 | //
104 | $weatherreport = 'mostly cloudy'; // current weather conditions from selected METAR
105 | $stationaltitude = '200'; // Station altitude, feet, as set in the units setup
106 | // this under setup)
107 | $stationlatitude = '040:53:17'; // Latitude (from the sun moon rise/set setup)
108 | $stationlongitude = '0073:17:12'; // Longtitude (from the sun moon rise/set setup)
109 | $windowsuptime = '37 Days 4 Hours 48 Minutes 12 Seconds'; // uptime for windows on weather pc
110 | $freememory = '13.24GB'; // amount of free memory on the pc
111 | $Startimedate = '4:55:19 PM 10/29/2024'; // Time/date WD was started
112 |
113 | /*
114 | $NOAAEvent = 'NO CURRENT ADVISORIES'; // NOAA Watch/Warning/Advisory
115 | $noaawarningraw = '
116 | '; // NOAA RAW watch/warning/advisory
117 | */
118 |
119 | $wdversion = '10.37S' . '-(b' . '149' . ')'; // Weather Display version number you are running
120 | $wdversiononly = '10.37S';
121 | $wdbuild = '149'; // Weather Display build number you are running
122 | $noaacityname = '---'; // City name,from the noaa setup (in the av/ext setup)
123 | //
124 | $timeofnextupdate = '---'; // Time of next Update/Upload of the weather data to your web page (based on the web table update
125 | //
126 | $heatcolourword = '---'; // How hot/cold it feels at the moment, based on the humidex, used with the conditionscolour.jpg
127 | //
128 | //
129 | // Temperature/Humidity
130 | // ====================
131 | // Current:
132 | // --------
133 | $temperature = '40.7'; // temperature
134 | $tempnodp = '41'; // temperature, no decimal place
135 | $humidity = '56'; // humidity
136 | $dewpt = '26.2'; // dew point
137 | $maxtemp = '40.9'; // today's maximum temperature
138 | $maxtempt = '12:30 PM'; // time this occurred
139 | $mintemp = '27.0'; // today's minimum temperature
140 | $mintempt = '7:27 AM'; // time this occurred
141 | $feelslike = '41'; // Shows heat index or humidex or windchill (if less than 16oC)
142 |
143 | $heati = '40.8'; // current heat index
144 | $heatinodp = '41'; // current heat index,no decimal place
145 | $windch = '40.7'; // current wind-chill
146 | $windchnodp = '41'; // current wind-chill, no decimal place
147 | $humidexfaren = '35.5'; // Humidex value in oF
148 | $humidexcelsius = '2.0'; // Humidex value in oC
149 |
150 | $apparenttemp = '37.6'; // Apparent temperature
151 | $apparentsolartemp = '37.6'; // Apparent temperature in the sun (you need a solar sensor)
152 | $apparenttempc = '3.1'; // Apparent temperature, °C
153 | $apparentsolartempc = '3.1'; // Apparent temperature in the sun, °C (you need a solar sensor)
154 | $apparenttempf = '37.6'; // Apparent temperature, °F
155 | $apparentsolartempf = '37.6'; // Apparent temperature in the sun, °F (you need a solar sensor)
156 | //
157 | $WUmaxtemp = '32.0'; // Todays average max temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station
158 | $WUmintemp = '32.0'; // Todays average min temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station
159 | //
160 | $WUmaxtempr = '32.0'; // Todays record max temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station
161 | $WUmintempr = '32.0'; // Todays record min temperature from the selected Wunderground almanac station
162 | $WUmaxtempryr = '0'; // Year that it occured
163 | $WUmintempryr = '0'; // year that it occured
164 | //
165 | //
166 | // Yesterday:
167 | // ----------
168 | $tempchangehour = '+1.0'; // Temperature change in the last hour
169 | $maxtempyest = '41.7'; // Yesterday's max temperature
170 | $maxtempyestt = '2:52 PM'; // Time of yesterday's max temperature
171 | $mintempyest = '29.8'; // Yesterday's min temperature
172 | $mintempyestt = '4:51 AM'; // Time of yesterday's min temperature
173 | //
174 | //
175 | // Trends:
176 | // -------
177 | $temp24hoursago = '39.9'; // The temperature 24 hours ago
178 | $humchangelasthour = '-4'; // Humidity change last hour
179 | $dewchangelasthour = '-0.7'; // Dew point change last hour
180 | $barochangelasthour = '-0.038'; // Baro change last hour
181 | //
182 | // Wind
183 | // ====
184 | // Current:
185 | // --------
186 | //
187 | $avgspd = '0.6'; // average wind speed (current)
188 | $gstspd = '1.0'; // current/gust wind speed
189 | $maxgst = '6.0'; // today's maximum wind speed
190 | $maxgstt = '12:30 PM'; // time this occurred
191 | $maxgsthr = '6.0 mph SSW'; // maximum gust last hour
192 | $dirdeg = '263'; // wind direction (degrees)
193 | $dirlabel = 'W'; // wind direction (NNE etc)
194 | //$maxgustlastimediatehourtime = '12:30'; // 12:30 time that the max gust last prior 1 hour occured
195 | $avwindlastimediate10 = '1.3'; // Average wind for the last immediate 10 minute period
196 | // $avdir10minute = '235'; // average ten minute wind direction (degrees)
197 |
198 | $beaufortnum ='0'; //Beaufort wind force number
199 | $currbftspeed = '0 bft'; //Current Beaufort wind speed
200 |
201 | $bftspeedtext = 'Calm'; //Beaufort scale in text (i.e Fresh Breeze)
202 | //
203 | //
204 | // Baromometer
205 | // ===========
206 | // Current:
207 | // --------
208 | $baro = '30.141'; // current barometer
209 | $baroinusa2dp = '30.14 inches'; // Current barometer reading in inches, 2 decimal places only.
210 | $trend = '-0.046'; // amount of change in the last hour
211 | $pressuretrendname = 'Falling'; // pressure trend (i.e. 'falling'), last hour
212 | $pressuretrendname3hour = 'Falling rapidly'; // pressure trend (i.e. 'falling'), last 3 hours
213 |
214 | $vpforecasttext = 'increasing clouds and warmer, precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hrs, windy.'; // Forecast text from the Davis VP
215 | //
216 | //
217 | // Rain
218 | // ====
219 | // Current:
220 | // --------
221 | $dayrn = '0.00'; // today's rain
222 | $monthrn = '0.00'; // rain so far this month
223 | $yearrn = '44.53'; // rain so far this year
224 | $dayswithnorain = '5'; // Consecutative days with no rain
225 | $dayswithrain = '0'; // Days with rain for the month
226 | $dayswithrainyear = '104'; // Days with rain for the year
227 | $currentrainratehr = '0.000'; // Current rain rate, mm/hr (or in./hr)
228 | $maxrainrate = '0.000'; // Max rain rate,for the day, mm/min (or in./min)
229 | $maxrainratehr = '0.000'; // Max rain rate,for the day, mm/hr (or in.mm)
230 | $maxrainratetime = '00:00 AM'; // Time that occurred
231 | // Yesterday:
232 | // ----------
233 | $yesterdayrain = '0.00 '; // Yesterday rain
234 | //
235 | $vpstormrainstart = '0/0/0'; //Davis VP Storm rain start date
236 | $vpstormrain = '0.00'; //Davis VP Storm rain value
237 | //
238 | //
239 | // Sunshine/Solar/ET
240 | // =================
241 | $VPsolar = '0'; // Solar energy number (W/M2)
242 | $VPuv = '0.0'; // UV number
243 | $highsolar = '0'; // Daily high solar (for Davis VP and Grow stations)
244 | $highuv = '0.0'; // Daily high UV (for Davis VP stations)
245 | $currentsolarpercent = '0'; // Current solar percent for stations with a temperature solar sensor (like the dallas 1 wire)
246 | $highsolartime = '12:00 AM'; // Time that the daily high solar occured
247 | $lowsolartime = '12:00 AM'; // Time that the daily low solar occured
248 | $highuvtime = '12:00 AM'; // Time that the daily high UV occured
249 | $lowuvtime = '12:00 AM'; // Time that the daily low UV occured
250 | $highuvyest = '0.0'; // Yesterday's high UV
251 | $highuvyesttime = '12:00 AM'; // Time of yesterday's high UV
252 | $burntime = '720'; // Time (minutes) to burn (normal skin) at the current UV rate, from the Davis VP with UV sensor
253 | //
254 | // the solar setup.
255 | //
256 | //
257 | // Number of resynchronizations, The largest number of packets in a row that were received., and the number of CRC errors
258 | //
259 | // detected.
260 | //
261 | //
262 | // Record Readings
263 | // ===============
264 | //
265 | // for current month to date:
266 | //
267 | $mrecordwindgust = '10.0'; // All time record high wind gust
268 | $mrecordhighgustday = '1'; // Day of record high wind gust
269 | //
270 | //
271 | // Snow
272 | // =====
273 | //
274 | $snowseasonin = '0'; // Snow for season you have entered under input daily weather, inches
275 | $snowmonthin = '0'; // Snow for month you have entered under input daily weather, inches
276 | $snowtodayin = '0.00'; // Snow for today you have entered under input daily weather, inches
277 | $snowseasoncm = '0'; // Snow for season you have entered under input daily weather, cm
278 | $snowmonthcm = '0'; // Snow for month you have entered under input daily weather, cm
279 | $snowtodaycm = '0.0'; // Snow for today you have entered under input daily weather, cm
280 | $snowyesterday = '0'; // Yesterdays' snow
281 | $snowheight = '614'; // Estimated height snow will fall at
282 | $snowheightnew = '940'; // Estimated height snow will fall at, new formula
283 | //
284 | $snownowin = '0.00'; // Current snow depth, inches.
285 | $snownowcm = '0.0'; // Current snow depth, cm.
286 | //
287 | $snowrain = '0.00'; // Rain measure by a heated rain gauge when temp below freezing times 10 to give estimated snow fall
288 | $snowdaysthismonth = '0'; // Days with snow this month
289 | $snowdaysthisyear = '0'; // Days with snow this year
290 | //
291 | // tags needed for trends-inc.php
292 | //
293 | $temp0minuteago = '40.7'; // ****this one is needed for all the others to work
294 | $wind0minuteago = '1.2';
295 | $gust0minuteago = '2.3';
296 | $dir0minuteago = ' W ';
297 | $hum0minuteago = '56';
298 | $dew0minuteago = '26.2';
299 | $baro0minuteago = '30.141';
300 | $rain0minuteago = '0.00';
301 | $VPsolar0minuteago = '0';
302 | $VPuv0minuteago = '0.0';
303 |
304 | $temp5minuteago = '40.8';
305 | $wind5minuteago = '1.2';
306 | $gust5minuteago = '2.3';
307 | $dir5minuteago = 'SSW';
308 | $hum5minuteago = '56';
309 | $dew5minuteago = '26.3';
310 | $baro5minuteago = '30.144';
311 | $rain5minuteago = '0.00';
312 | $VPsolar5minuteago = '0';
313 | $VPuv5minuteago = '0.0';
314 |
315 | $temp10minuteago = '40.7';
316 | $wind10minuteago = '1.2';
317 | $gust10minuteago = '3.5';
318 | $dir10minuteago = 'SW';
319 | $hum10minuteago = '57';
320 | $dew10minuteago = '26.7';
321 | $baro10minuteago = '30.154';
322 | $rain10minuteago = '0.00';
323 | $VPsolar10minuteago = '0';
324 | $VPuv10minuteago = '0.0';
325 |
326 | $temp15minuteago = '40.5';
327 | $wind15minuteago = '2.3';
328 | $gust15minuteago = '3.5';
329 | $dir15minuteago = 'SSW';
330 | $hum15minuteago = '57';
331 | $dew15minuteago = '26.4';
332 | $baro15minuteago = '30.156';
333 | $rain15minuteago = '0.00';
334 | $VPsolar15minuteago = '0';
335 | $VPuv15minuteago = '0.0';
336 |
337 | $temp20minuteago = '40.4';
338 | $wind20minuteago = '1.2';
339 | $gust20minuteago = '3.5';
340 | $dir20minuteago = 'SW';
341 | $hum20minuteago = '57';
342 | $dew20minuteago = '26.3';
343 | $baro20minuteago = '30.158';
344 | $rain20minuteago = '0.00';
345 | $VPsolar20minuteago = '0';
346 | $VPuv20minuteago = '0.0';
347 |
348 | $temp30minuteago = '40.5';
349 | $wind30minuteago = '1.2';
350 | $gust30minuteago = '2.3';
351 | $dir30minuteago = 'SW';
352 | $hum30minuteago = '60';
353 | $dew30minuteago = '27.7';
354 | $baro30minuteago = '30.167';
355 | $rain30minuteago = '0.00';
356 | $VPsolar30minuteago = '0';
357 | $VPuv30minuteago = '0.0';
358 |
359 | $temp45minuteago = '40.1';
360 | $wind45minuteago = '1.2';
361 | $gust45minuteago = '2.3';
362 | $dir45minuteago = 'SW';
363 | $hum45minuteago = '60';
364 | $dew45minuteago = '27.3';
365 | $baro45minuteago = '30.175';
366 | $rain45minuteago = '0.00';
367 | $VPsolar45minuteago = '0';
368 | $VPuv45minuteago = '0.0';
369 |
370 | $temp60minuteago = '39.7';
371 | $wind60minuteago = '1.2';
372 | $gust60minuteago = '3.5';
373 | $dir60minuteago = 'SSW';
374 | $hum60minuteago = '60';
375 | $dew60minuteago = '26.9';
376 | $baro60minuteago = '30.185';
377 | $rain60minuteago = '0.00';
378 | $VPsolar60minuteago = '0';
379 | $VPuv60minuteago = '0.0';
380 |
381 | $temp75minuteago = '39.6';
382 | $wind75minuteago = '1.2';
383 | $gust75minuteago = '3.5';
384 | $dir75minuteago = 'WSW';
385 | $hum75minuteago = '60';
386 | $dew75minuteago = '26.8';
387 | $baro75minuteago = '30.193';
388 | $rain75minuteago = '0.00';
389 | $VPsolar75minuteago = '0';
390 | $VPuv75minuteago = '0.0';
391 |
392 | $temp90minuteago = '39.1';
393 | $wind90minuteago = '1.2';
394 | $gust90minuteago = '2.3';
395 | $dir90minuteago = 'SSW';
396 | $hum90minuteago = '60';
397 | $dew90minuteago = '26.4';
398 | $baro90minuteago = '30.204';
399 | $rain90minuteago = '0.00';
400 | $VPsolar90minuteago = '0';
401 | $VPuv90minuteago = '0.0';
402 |
403 | $temp105minuteago = '38.0';
404 | $wind105minuteago = '1.2';
405 | $gust105minuteago = '3.5';
406 | $dir105minuteago = ' S ';
407 | $hum105minuteago = '62';
408 | $dew105minuteago = '26.1';
409 | $baro105minuteago = '30.213';
410 | $rain105minuteago = '0.00';
411 | $VPsolar105minuteago = '0';
412 | $VPuv105minuteago = '0.0';
413 |
414 | $temp120minuteago = '37.5';
415 | $wind120minuteago = '0.0';
416 | $gust120minuteago = '2.3';
417 | $dir120minuteago = ' S ';
418 | $hum120minuteago = '63';
419 | $dew120minuteago = '26.0';
420 | $baro120minuteago = '30.221';
421 | $rain120minuteago = '0.00';
422 | $VPsolar120minuteago = '0';
423 | $VPuv120minuteago = '0.0';
424 |
425 | $VPet = '0.00';
426 | $VPetmonth = '0.00';
427 | $dateoflastrainalways = '11/28/2024';
428 | $highbaro = '30.277';
429 | $highbarot = '2:43 AM';
430 | $highsolaryest = '0.0';
431 | $highsolaryesttime = '12:00 AM';
432 | $hourrn = '0.00';
433 | $maxaverageyest = '3.3';
434 | $maxaverageyestt = '7:17 PM';
435 | $maxavgdirectionletter = 'SSW';
436 | $maxavgspd = '2.6';
437 | $maxavgspdt = '12:19 PM';
438 | $maxbaroyest = '30.272';
439 | $maxbaroyestt = '11:42 PM';
440 | $maxgstdirectionletter = 'SSW';
441 | $maxgustyest = '8.1 mph WNW';
442 | $maxgustyestt = '10:43 PM';
443 | $mcoldestdayonrecord = '33.2F on: Dec 01 2024';
444 | $mcoldestnightonrecord = '31.2F on: Dec 01 2024';
445 | $minchillyest = '29.8';
446 | $minchillyestt = '4:51 AM';
447 | $minwindch = '27.0';
448 | $minwindcht = '7:27 AM';
449 | $mrecordhighavwindday = '1';
450 | $mrecordhighavwindmonth = '12';
451 | $mrecordhighavwindyear = '2024';
452 | $mrecordhighbaro = '30.277';
453 | $mrecordhighbaroday = '4';
454 | $mrecordhighbaromonth = '12';
455 | $mrecordhighbaroyear = '2024';
456 | $mrecordhighgustmonth = '12';
457 | $mrecordhighgustyear = '2024';
458 | $mrecordhightemp = '41.7';
459 | $mrecordhightempday = '3';
460 | $mrecordhightempmonth = '12';
461 | $mrecordhightempyear = '2024';
462 | $mrecordlowchill = '26.0';
463 | $mrecordlowchillday = '1';
464 | $mrecordlowchillmonth = '12';
465 | $mrecordlowchillyear = '2024';
466 | $mrecordlowtemp = '26.5';
467 | $mrecordlowtempday = '1';
468 | $mrecordlowtempmonth = '12';
469 | $mrecordlowtempyear = '2024';
470 | $mrecordwindspeed = '4.1';
471 | $mwarmestdayonrecord = '37.8F on: Dec 03 2024';
472 | $mwarmestnightonrecord = '33.5F on: Dec 03 2024';
473 | $raincurrentweek = '0.55';
474 | $raintodatemonthago = '0.00';
475 | $raintodateyearago = '0.00';
476 | $timeoflastrainalways = ' 1:20 PM';
477 | $windruntodatethismonth = '40.82 miles';
478 | $windruntodatethisyear = '9903.11 miles';
479 | $windruntoday = '4.04';
480 | $yesterdaydaviset = '0.000';
481 | $yrecordhighavwindday = '9';
482 | $yrecordhighavwindmonth = '1';
483 | $yrecordhighavwindyear = '2024';
484 | $yrecordhighbaro = '30.655';
485 | $yrecordhighbaroday = '1';
486 | $yrecordhighbaromonth = '3';
487 | $yrecordhighbaroyear = '2024';
488 | $yrecordhighgustday = '12';
489 | $yrecordhighgustmonth = '4';
490 | $yrecordhighgustyear = '2024';
491 | $yrecordhightemp = '97.3';
492 | $yrecordhightempday = '16';
493 | $yrecordhightempmonth = '7';
494 | $yrecordhightempyear = '2024';
495 | $yrecordlowchill = '11.5';
496 | $yrecordlowchillday = '20';
497 | $yrecordlowchillmonth = '1';
498 | $yrecordlowchillyear = '2024';
499 | $yrecordlowtemp = '17.4';
500 | $yrecordlowtempday = '20';
501 | $yrecordlowtempmonth = '1';
502 | $yrecordlowtempyear = '2024';
503 | $yrecordwindgust = '37.0';
504 | $yrecordwindspeed = '19.1';
505 | $daysTmaxGT30C = '0';
506 | $daysTmaxGT25C = '0';
507 | $daysTminLT0C = '4';
508 | $daysTminLTm15C = '0';
509 |
510 | // end of trends-inc.php variables
511 |
512 | //
513 | // CURRENT CONDITIONS ICONS FOR clientraw.txt
514 | // create array for icons. There are 35 possible values in clientraw.txt
515 | // It would be simpler to do this with array() but to make it easier to
516 | // modify each element is defined individually. Each index [#] corresponds
517 | // to the value provided in clientraw.txt
518 | $icon_array[0] = 'day_clear.gif'; // imagesunny.visible
519 | $icon_array[1] = 'night_clear.gif'; // imageclearnight.visible
520 | $icon_array[2] = 'day_partly_cloudy.gif'; // imagecloudy.visible
521 | $icon_array[3] = 'day_partly_cloudy.gif'; // imagecloudy2.visible
522 | $icon_array[4] = 'night_partly_cloudy.gif'; // imagecloudynight.visible
523 | $icon_array[5] = 'day_partly_cloudy.gif'; // imagedry.visible
524 | $icon_array[6] = 'fog.gif'; // imagefog.visible
525 | $icon_array[7] = 'haze.gif'; // imagehaze.visible
526 | $icon_array[8] = 'day_heavy_rain.gif'; // imageheavyrain.visible
527 | $icon_array[9] = 'day_mostly_sunny.gif'; // imagemainlyfine.visible
528 | $icon_array[10] = 'mist.gif'; // imagemist.visible
529 | $icon_array[11] = 'fog.gif'; // imagenightfog.visible
530 | $icon_array[12] = 'night_heavy_rain.gif'; // imagenightheavyrain.visible
531 | $icon_array[13] = 'night_cloudy.gif'; // imagenightovercast.visible
532 | $icon_array[14] = 'night_rain.gif'; // imagenightrain.visible
533 | $icon_array[15] = 'night_light_rain.gif'; // imagenightshowers.visible
534 | $icon_array[16] = 'night_snow.gif'; // imagenightsnow.visible
535 | $icon_array[17] = 'night_tstorm.gif'; // imagenightthunder.visible
536 | $icon_array[18] = 'day_cloudy.gif'; // imageovercast.visible
537 | $icon_array[19] = 'day_partly_cloudy.gif'; // imagepartlycloudy.visible
538 | $icon_array[20] = 'day_rain.gif'; // imagerain.visible
539 | $icon_array[21] = 'day_rain.gif'; // imagerain2.visible
540 | $icon_array[22] = 'day_light_rain.gif'; // imageshowers2.visible
541 | $icon_array[23] = 'sleet.gif'; // imagesleet.visible
542 | $icon_array[24] = 'sleet.gif'; // imagesleetshowers.visible
543 | $icon_array[25] = 'snow.gif'; // imagesnow.visible
544 | $icon_array[26] = 'snow.gif'; // imagesnowmelt.visible
545 | $icon_array[27] = 'snow.gif'; // imagesnowshowers2.visible
546 | $icon_array[28] = 'day_clear.gif.gif'; // imagesunny.visible
547 | $icon_array[29] = 'day_tstorm.gif'; // imagethundershowers.visible
548 | $icon_array[30] = 'day_tstorm.gif'; // imagethundershowers2.visible
549 | $icon_array[31] = 'day_tstorm.gif'; // imagethunderstorms.visible
550 | $icon_array[32] = 'tornado.gif'; // imagetornado.visible
551 | $icon_array[33] = 'windy.gif'; // imagewindy.visible
552 | $icon_array[34] = 'day_partly_cloudy.gif'; // stopped raining
553 | $icon_array[35] = 'windyrain.gif'; // Wind+rain
554 | $iconnumber = '5'; // icon number
555 |
556 | $current_icon = $icon_array[5]; // name of our condition icon
557 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
558 | // $current_summary = 'Dry' . '<br />' . 'Day time ';
559 | $weathercond = 'Dry';
560 | $Currentsolardescription = 'Day time ';
561 | $current_summary = $Currentsolardescription;
562 | $current_summary = preg_replace('|^/[^/]+/|','',$current_summary);
563 | $current_summary = preg_replace('|\\\\|',', ',$current_summary);
564 | $current_summary = preg_replace('|/|',', ',$current_summary);
565 | //
566 | //
567 | $cloudheightfeet = '3517'; // Estimated cloud base height, feet, (based on dew point, and you height above sea level...enter
568 | $cloudheightmeters = '1072'; // Estimated cloud base height, metres, (based on dew point, and you height above sea
569 |
570 | // end of stock testtags.txt
571 |
572 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
573 | // begin mchallis tags added to testtags.txt for printable flyer
574 | $maxgsthrtime = '12:30'; // time that the max gust last prior 1 hour occured
575 | $minbaroyest = '30.160';
576 | $minbaroyestt = '12:06 AM';
577 | $mrecordlowbaro = '30.017';
578 | $mrecordlowbaroday = '1';
579 | $mrecordlowbaromonth = '12';
580 | $mrecordlowbaroyear = '2024';
581 | $yrecordlowbaro = '28.981';
582 | $yrecordlowbaroday = '10';
583 | $yrecordlowbaromonth = '1';
584 | $yrecordlowbaroyear = '2024';
585 | // end mchallis tags added to testtags.txt for printable flyer
586 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
587 | // New WebsterWeatherLive VER 4.10 tags
588 | //----------------------------------------------
589 | $lighteningbearing = '0';
590 | $lighteningdistance = '0';
591 | $lighteningcountlasthournextstorm = '0';
592 | $lighteningcountlastminutenextstorm = '0';
593 | $lighteningcountlast12hournextstorm = '0';
594 | $lighteningcountlast30minutesnextstorm = '0';
595 | $timeofdaygreeting = 'Afternoon';
596 | $avwindlastimediate60 = '0.9'; // average wind speed
597 | $avwindlastimediate120 = '1.1'; // average wind speed
598 | $currentmonthaveragerain = '---'; // average rain for current month
599 | //
600 | // version 5.00+
601 | $avwindlastimediate15 = '1.3'; // average wind speed
602 | $avwindlastimediate30 = '1.1'; // average wind speed
603 | $todayhihumidex = '35.8'; //daily high humidex
604 | $todaylohumidex = '20.6'; //Daily low Humidex
605 | //Version 5.02
606 | $dayornight = 'Day'; // Day or night flag
607 |
608 | //Version 6.20
609 | $tempchangelasthourfaren = '+1.0'; //For snow prediction
610 | $abshum = '4.30'; //For snow prediction
611 | $maxtemp4today = '53.5'; // max from station's records
612 | $mintemp4today = '42.2'; // min from station's records
613 | $maxtemp4todayyr = '2023'; // max year from station's records
614 | $mintemp4todayyr = '2023'; // min year from station's records
615 | $avsnowjan = '0.0'; //Average snow for jan from your inputted snow data (cm)
616 | $avsnowfeb = '0.0'; //Average snow for feb from your inputted snow data (cm)
617 | $avsnowmar = '0.0'; //Average snow for mar from your inputted snow data (cm)
618 | $avsnowapr = '0.0'; //Average snow for apr from your inputted snow data (cm)
619 | $avsnowmay = '0.0'; //Average snow for may from your inputted snow data (cm)
620 | $avsnowjun = '0.0'; //Average snow for may from your inputted snow data (cm)
621 | $avsnowjul = '0.0'; //Average snow for jul from your inputted snow data (cm)
622 | $avsnowaug = '0.0'; //Average snow for aug from your inputted snow data (cm)
623 | $avsnowsep = '0.0'; //Average snow for sep from your inputted snow data (cm)
624 | $avsnowoct = '0.0'; //Average snow for oct from your inputted snow data (cm)
625 | $avsnownov = '0.0'; //Average snow for nov from your inputted snow data (cm)
626 | $avsnowdec = '0.0'; //Average snow for dec from your inputted snow data (cm)
627 | $avsnowjannow = '0.0';
628 | $avsnowfebnow = '0.0';
629 | $avsnowmarnow = '0.0';
630 | $avsnowaprnow = '0.0';
631 | $avsnowmaynow = '0.0';
632 | $avsnowjunnow = '0.0';
633 | $avsnowjulnow = '0.0';
634 | $avsnowaugnow = '0.0';
635 | $avsnowsepnow = '0.0';
636 | $avsnowoctnow = '0.0';
637 | $avsnownovnow = '0.0';
638 | $avsnowdecnow = '0.0';
639 | // end of websterweather additions
640 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
641 | // relayweather wxglobalwarming
642 | // For Temperature Trend Chart, you Need to add the following to your testtags file if they don't yet exist:
643 |
644 | $avtempjannow = '36.5';
645 | $avtempfebnow = '37.9';
646 | $avtempmarnow = '45.7';
647 | $avtempaprnow = '51.9';
648 | $avtempmaynow = '62.7';
649 | $avtempjunnow = '73.3';
650 | $avtempjulnow = '77.2';
651 | $avtempaugnow = '73.3';
652 | $avtempsepnow = '66.1';
653 | $avtempoctnow = '58.8';
654 | $avtempnovnow = '50.8';
655 | $avtempdecnow = '33.7';
656 | $avtempjan = '38.3';//Average temperature for january from your data
657 | $avtempfeb = '38.7';//Average temperature for february from your data
658 | $avtempmar = '44.4';//Average temperature for march from your data
659 | $avtempapr = '53.7';//Average temperature for april from your data
660 | $avtempmay = '61.7';//Average temperature for may from your data
661 | $avtempjun = '70.6';//Average temperature for june from your data
662 | $avtempjul = '77.3';//Average temperature for july from your data
663 | $avtempaug = '73.2';//Average temperature for august from your data
664 | $avtempsep = '67.2';//Average temperature for september from your data
665 | $avtempoct = '58.8';//Average temperature for october from your data
666 | $avtempnov = '48.3';//Average temperature for november from your data
667 | $avtempdec = '42.6';//Average temperature for december from your data
668 |
669 | //For the Rain Trending Chart, you Need to add the following to your testtags file if they don't yet exist:
670 |
671 | //Start Rain Trending
672 | $avrainjan = '4.08';
673 | $avrainfeb = '1.55';
674 | $avrainmar = '8.02';
675 | $avrainapr = '3.75';
676 | $avrainmay = '2.50';
677 | $avrainjun = '2.55';
678 | $avrainjul = '3.23';
679 | $avrainaug = '5.68';
680 | $avrainsep = '4.77';
681 | $avrainoct = '1.15';
682 | $avrainnov = '2.80';
683 | $avraindec = '6.33';
684 |
685 | $avrainjannow = '4.85';
686 | $avrainfebnow = '1.56';
687 | $avrainmarnow = '11.29';
688 | $avrainaprnow = '3.51';
689 | $avrainmaynow = '2.98';
690 | $avrainjunnow = '3.68';
691 | $avrainjulnow = '4.55';
692 | $avrainaugnow = '7.33';
693 | $avrainsepnow = '0.61';
694 | $avrainoctnow = '0.20';
695 | $avrainnovnow = '3.58';
696 | $avraindecnow = '0.00';
697 | //End Rain Trending
698 | // end of relayweather tags
699 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
700 | // eastmasonville wxrecord.php tags
701 | $recordhightemp = '97.3';
702 | $recordlowtemp = '4.3';
703 | $recordhighheatindex = '111.7';
704 | $recordlowchill = '-5.6';
705 | $warmestdayonrecord = '91.6 F on: Jul 28 2023';
706 | $warmestnightonrecord = '81.9F on: Jul 17 2024';
707 | $coldestdayonrecord = '12.9F on: Feb 04 2023';
708 | $coldestnightonrecord = '9.3F on: Feb 04 2023';
709 | $recordwindgust = '37.0';
710 | $recordwindspeed = '19.1';
711 | $recordhighwindrun = '233.3';
712 | $recorddailyrain = '4.32';
713 | $recordhighrainmth = '11.4';
714 | $recordrainrate = '0.394';
715 | $recorddayswithrain = '9';
716 | $recorddaysnorain = '21';
717 | $recordhighdew = '81.0';
718 | $recordlowdew = '-18.2';
719 | $recordhighhum = '100';
720 | $recordlowhum = '6';
721 | $recordhighbaro = '30.688';
722 | $recordlowbaro = '28.981';
723 | $recordhighsolar = '0.0';
724 | $recordhightempmonth = '7';
725 | $recordhightempday = '16';
726 | $recordhightempyear = '2024';
727 | $recordlowtempmonth = '2';
728 | $recordlowtempday = '4';
729 | $recordlowtempyear = '2023';
730 | $recordhighheatindexmonth = '8';
731 | $recordhighheatindexday = '3';
732 | $recordhighheatindexyear = '2024';
733 | $recordlowchillmonth = '2';
734 | $recordlowchillday = '4';
735 | $recordlowchillyear = '2023';
736 | $recordhighgustmonth = '4';
737 | $recordhighgustday = '12';
738 | $recordhighgustyear = '2024';
739 | $recordhighavwindmonth = '1';
740 | $recordhighavwindday = '9';
741 | $recordhighavwindyear = '2024';
742 | $recordhighwindrunmth = '4';
743 | $recordhighwindrunday = '24';
744 | $recordhighwindrunyr = '2024';
745 | $recorddailyrainmonth = '9';
746 | $recorddailyrainday = '29';
747 | $recorddailyrainyear = '2023';
748 | $recordhighrainmthmth = '3';
749 | $recordhighrainmthyr = '2024';
750 | $recordrainratemonth = '8';
751 | $recordrainrateday = '18';
752 | $recordrainrateyear = '2023';
753 | $recorddayswithrainmonth = '7';
754 | $recorddayswithrainday = '22';
755 | $recorddayswithrainyear = '2023';
756 | $recorddaysnorainmonth = '10';
757 | $recorddaysnorainday = '29';
758 | $recorddaysnorainyear = '2024';
759 | $recordhighdewmonth = '7';
760 | $recordhighdewday = '6';
761 | $recordhighdewyear = '2024';
762 | $recordlowdewmonth = '2';
763 | $recordlowdewday = '4';
764 | $recordlowdewyear = '2023';
765 | $recordhighhummonth = '9';
766 | $recordhighhumday = '14';
767 | $recordhighhumyear = '2024';
768 | $recordlowhummonth = '4';
769 | $recordlowhumday = '11';
770 | $recordlowhumyear = '2023';
771 | $recordhighbaromonth = '12';
772 | $recordhighbaroday = '14';
773 | $recordhighbaroyear = '2023';
774 | $recordlowbaromonth = '12';
775 | $recordlowbaroday = '18';
776 | $recordlowbaroyear = '2023';
777 | $recordhighsolarmonth = '1';
778 | $recordhighsolarday = '8';
779 | $recordhighsolaryear = '2023';
780 | $recordhighuv = '0.0';
781 | $recordhighuvmonth = '1';
782 | $recordhighuvday = '8';
783 | $recordhighuvyear = '2023';
784 |
785 | $yrecordhighheatindex = '111.7';
786 | $yrecordhighheatindexmonth = '8';
787 | $yrecordhighheatindexday = '3';
788 | $yrecordhighheatindexyear = '2024';
789 | $ywarmestdayonrecord = '91.2F on: Jul 15 2024';
790 | $ywarmestnightonrecord = '81.9F on: Jul 17 2024';
791 | $ycoldestdayonrecord = '21.7F on: Jan 17 2024';
792 | $ycoldestnightonrecord = '19.9F on: Jan 21 2024';
793 | $yrecordhighwindrun = '233.3';
794 | $yrecordhighwindrunmth = '4';
795 | $yrecordhighwindrunday = '24';
796 | $yrecordhighwindrunyr = '2024';
797 | $yrecorddailyrain = '3.90';
798 | $yrecordhighrainmth = '11.4';
799 | $yrecordrainrate = '0.161';
800 | $yrecorddayswithrain = '7';
801 | $yrecorddaysnorain = '21';
802 | $yrecordhighdew = '81.0';
803 | $yrecordlowdew = '-2.0';
804 | $yrecordhighhum = '100';
805 | $yrecordlowhum = '10';
806 | $yrecorddailyrainmonth = '3';
807 | $yrecorddailyrainday = '23';
808 | $yrecorddailyrainyear = '2024';
809 | $yrecordhighrainmthmth = '3';
810 | $yrecordhighrainmthyr = '2024';
811 | $yrecordrainratemonth = '6';
812 | $yrecordrainrateday = '6';
813 | $yrecordrainrateyear = '2024';
814 | $yrecorddayswithrainmonth = '1';
815 | $yrecorddayswithrainday = '29';
816 | $yrecorddaysnorainmonth = '10';
817 | $yrecorddaysnorainday = '29';
818 | $yrecordhighdewmonth = '7';
819 | $yrecordhighdewday = '6';
820 | $yrecordhighdewyear = '2024';
821 | $yrecordlowdewmonth = '4';
822 | $yrecordlowdewday = '25';
823 | $yrecordlowdewyear = '2024';
824 | $yrecordhighhummonth = '9';
825 | $yrecordhighhumday = '14';
826 | $yrecordhighhumyear = '2024';
827 | $yrecordlowhummonth = '4';
828 | $yrecordlowhumday = '25';
829 | $yrecordlowhumyear = '2024';
830 | $yrecordhighsolar = '0.0';
831 | $yrecordhighsolarmonth = '1';
832 | $yrecordhighsolarday = '8';
833 | $yrecordhighsolaryear = '2023';
834 | $yrecordhighuv = '0.0';
835 | $yrecordhighuvmonth = '1';
836 | $yrecordhighuvday = '8';
837 | $yrecordhighuvyear = '2023';
838 |
839 | $mrecordhighheatindex = '41.7';
840 | $mrecordhighheatindexmonth = '12';
841 | $mrecordhighheatindexday = '3';
842 | $mrecordhighheatindexyear = '2024';
843 | $mrecordhighwindrun = '16.2';
844 | $mrecordhighwindrunmth = '12';
845 | $mrecordhighwindrunday = '1';
846 | $mrecordhighwindrunyr = '2024';
847 | $mrecorddailyrain = '0.00';
848 | $mrecordhighrainmth = '0.0';
849 | $mrecordrainrate = '0.000';
850 | $mrecorddayswithrain = '0';
851 | $mrecorddaysnorain = '5';
852 | $mrecordhighdew = '29.0';
853 | $mrecordlowdew = '16.3';
854 | $mrecordhighhum = '78';
855 | $mrecordlowhum = '44';
856 | $mrecorddailyrainmonth = '12';
857 | $mrecorddailyrainday = '1';
858 | $mrecorddailyrainyear = '2024';
859 | $mrecordhighrainmthmth = '11';
860 | $mrecordhighrainmthyr = '2024';
861 | $mrecordrainratemonth = '12';
862 | $mrecordrainrateday = '1';
863 | $mrecordrainrateyear = '2024';
864 | $mrecorddayswithrainmonth = '12';
865 | $mrecorddayswithrainday = '1';
866 | $mrecorddaysnorainmonth = '12';
867 | $mrecorddaysnorainday = '4';
868 | $mrecordhighdewmonth = '12';
869 | $mrecordhighdewday = '3';
870 | $mrecordhighdewyear = '2024';
871 | $mrecordlowdewmonth = '12';
872 | $mrecordlowdewday = '1';
873 | $mrecordlowdewyear = '2024';
874 | $mrecordhighhummonth = '12';
875 | $mrecordhighhumday = '3';
876 | $mrecordhighhumyear = '2024';
877 | $mrecordlowhummonth = '12';
878 | $mrecordlowhumday = '1';
879 | $mrecordlowhumyear = '2024';
880 | $myrecordhighbaromonth = '12';
881 | $mrecordhighsolar = '0.0';
882 | $mrecordhighsolarmonth = '1';
883 | $mrecordhighsolarday = '8';
884 | $mrecordhighsolaryear = '2023';
885 | $mrecordhighuv = '0.0';
886 | $mrecordhighuvmonth = '1';
887 | $mrecordhighuvday = '8';
888 | $mrecordhighuvyear = '2023';
889 | // end of eastmasonville wxrecord.php tags
890 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
891 | // other addons
892 | $vpissstatus = 'Ok'; // VP ISS Status
893 | $vpreception2 = '100%'; // VP Current reception % *** NEW IN V1.01
894 | $vpconsolebattery = '4.6'; // VP Console Battery Volts *** NEW IN V1.01
895 | $firewi = '0.3'; // Fire Weather Index
896 | $avtempweek = '37.7'; // Average Weekly Temp
897 | $hddday = '17.5'; // Heating Degree for day
898 | $hddmonth = '110.5'; // Heating Degree for month to date
899 | $hddyear = '3546.1'; // Heating Degree for year to date
900 | $cddday = '0.0'; // Cooling Degree for day
901 | $cddmonth = '0.0'; // Cooling Degree for month to date
902 | $cddyear = '1023.5'; // Cooling Degree for year to date
903 | $minchillweek = '26.4'; // Minimum Wind Chill over past 7 days
904 | $maxheatweek = '55.7'; // Maximum Heat Index for the Week *** NEW IN V2.00
905 | $airdensity = '1.28'; //air density
906 | $solarnoon = '11:43'; // Solar noon
907 | $changeinday = '-00:01:06'; // change in day length since yesterday
908 | $etcurrentweek = '0.000'; // ET total for the last 7 days
909 | $sunshinehourstodateday = '00:00';
910 | $sunshinehourstodatemonth = '00:00';
911 | $maxsolarfortime = '0';
912 | $wetbulb = '35.6';
913 | $lighteningcountlasthour = '0';
914 | $lighteningcountlastminute = '0';
915 | $lighteningcountlast5minutes = '0';
916 | $lighteningcountlast12hour = '0';
917 | $lighteningcountlast30minutes = '0';
918 | $lighteningcountlasttime = '';
919 | $lighteningcountmonth = '0';
920 | $lighteningcountyear = '0';
921 | $chandler = '10.0';
922 | $maxdew = '28.2';
923 | $maxdewt = '11:46 AM';
924 | $mindew = '19.1';
925 | $mindewt = '12:35 AM';
926 | $maxdewyest = '29.0';
927 | $maxdewyestt = '1:17 PM';
928 | $mindewyest = '19.0';
929 | $mindewyestt = '10:42 PM';
930 | $stationname = 'mystation';
931 | $raindifffromav = '---';
932 | $raindifffromavyear = '44.530';
933 | $gddmonth = '32.0';
934 | $gddyear = '4063.5';
935 | $maxheat = '40.9';
936 | $maxheatt = '12:30 PM';
937 | $maxheatyest = '41.7';
938 | $yeartodateavtemp = '57.5';
939 | $monthtodateavtemp = '33.7';
940 | $maxchillyest = '41.7';
941 | $monthtodatemaxgust = '10.4';
942 | $monthtodateavspeed = '0.5'; // MTD average wind speed
943 | $monthtodateavgust = '1.9'; //MTD average wind gust
944 | $yeartodateavwind = '1.2'; // YTD average wind speed
945 | $yeartodategstwind = '2.6'; // YTD avg wind gust
946 | $lowbaro = '30.140';
947 | $lowbarot = '12:34 PM';
948 | $monthtodatemaxbaro = '30.277'; // MTD average wind speed
949 | $monthtodateminbaro = '30.017'; //MTD average wind gust
950 | $sunshinehourstodateyear = '00:00';
951 | $sunshineyesterday = '00:00';
952 | $avtempsincemidnight = '32.1';
953 | $yesterdayavtemp = '35.6';
954 | $avgspeedsincereset = '0.3';
955 | $maxheatyestt = '2:52 PM';
956 | $windrunyesterday = '9.30';
957 | $currentwdet = '0.000';
958 | $yesterdaywdet = '0.000';
959 | $highhum = '74';
960 | $highhumt = '7:29 AM';
961 | $lowhum = '56';
962 | $lowhumt = '12:20 PM';
963 | $maxhumyest = '78';
964 | $maxhumyestt = '5:05 AM';
965 | $minhumyest = '50';
966 | $minhumyestt = '7:51 PM';
967 | $recordhightempjan = '57.9';
968 | $recordlowtempjan = '17.4';
969 | $recordhightempfeb = '71.6';
970 | $recordlowtempfeb = '22.1';
971 | $recordhightempmar = '73.2';
972 | $recordlowtempmar = '28.0';
973 | $recordhightempapr = '90.1';
974 | $recordlowtempapr = '34.5';
975 | $recordhightempmay = '88.3';
976 | $recordlowtempmay = '46.0';
977 | $recordhightempjun = '95.2';
978 | $recordlowtempjun = '57.2';
979 | $recordhightempjul = '97.3';
980 | $recordlowtempjul = '62.2';
981 | $recordhightempaug = '92.8';
982 | $recordlowtempaug = '55.9';
983 | $recordhightempsep = '81.5';
984 | $recordlowtempsep = '53.1';
985 | $recordhightempoct = '79.9';
986 | $recordlowtempoct = '42.8';
987 | $recordhightempnov = '78.1';
988 | $recordlowtempnov = '28.2';
989 | $recordhightempdec = '62.1';
990 | $recordlowtempdec = '26.2';
991 |
992 | // average temp and rain by month (V1.08 addition)
993 |
994 | $avtempjannow = '36.5';
995 | $avtempfebnow = '37.9';
996 | $avtempmarnow = '45.7';
997 | $avtempaprnow = '51.9';
998 | $avtempmaynow = '62.7';
999 | $avtempjunnow = '73.3';
1000 | $avtempjulnow = '77.2';
1001 | $avtempaugnow = '73.3';
1002 | $avtempsepnow = '66.1';
1003 | $avtempoctnow = '58.8';
1004 | $avtempnovnow = '50.8';
1005 | $avtempdecnow = '33.7';
1006 |
1007 | $avrainjannow = '4.85';
1008 | $avrainfebnow = '1.56';
1009 | $avrainmarnow = '11.29';
1010 | $avrainaprnow = '3.51';
1011 | $avrainmaynow = '2.98';
1012 | $avrainjunnow = '3.68';
1013 | $avrainjulnow = '4.55';
1014 | $avrainaugnow = '7.33';
1015 | $avrainsepnow = '0.61';
1016 | $avrainoctnow = '0.20';
1017 | $avrainnovnow = '3.58';
1018 | $avraindecnow = '0.00';
1019 |
1020 | // end of other addons
1021 | // end of testtags.txt/testtags.php
1022 | ?>